Teach English in China

Are you ready and have what it takes to make a difference in the lives of our students?
Teach English in China!

Why We Do It

Why come to China to teach? Because, you love kids and teaching, that’s why!

Perfect English History

Launched in January 2002, our after-school program has always been about “Quality Education First.”

The Process

China’s laws and process are strict, but we can help you to navigate it.


Here’s an easy to follow check-list of what you need to do to teach in China.

Our Teachers

Are you ready to join us? Our current staff (of nearly 30 foreign teachers) includes a mix of countries.

Our Students

Our students include toddlers to college age, but the one thing they share is a love for learning English.

Our Partners

Interested in teaching English in China? Go ahead and reach out on our contact page. We'll be pleased to answer you within 24 hours.